Friday, May 22, 2020

Wic Children, Infants, And Children - 1012 Words

WIC is a truly amazing program, WIC is Women, Infants, and Children. WIC has been around helping families for a very long time. There are very different opinions on WIC, some people are for it and appreciate how they help families. Others view WIC as an easy way out to a difficult time. WIC has a lot of history, there are advantages, disadvantages, how it’s administers, statistics, the risk, and their positions on WIC. WIC had been around since the 70’s and even then was very much about the health of mothers and their children. â€Å"1972: WIC was piloted as a supplemental food program aimed at improving the health of pregnant mothers, infants and children in response to growing concern over malnutrition among many poverty-stricken mothers and young children.† (WIC Program Overview and History | National WIC Association). The US Department of Agriculture is in charge of WIC, â€Å"WIC is a public health nutrition program under the jurisdiction of the United States Department of Agriculture†. (WIC Program Overview and History | National WIC Association). The United States Department of Agriculture also funds WIC.WIC was created because of poverty and how families were living. People were starving and couldn’t afford to get food. â€Å"WIC was created in 1974 as a response to the realization that hunger and poverty were widespread in this country and that inadequate nutri tion poses real dangers to pregnant women, new mothers, infants and children.† (WIC (Women, Infants and Children)  « FoodShow MoreRelatedWic Is A Nutrition Program For Women, Infants, And Children1012 Words   |  5 PagesWIC The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children also known as WIC is a nutrition program aimed at assisting low-income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants, and children up to 5 years old who are at nutritional risk. The program aims to assist the individuals by providing foods with nutritional value in addition to their normal diet, also giving information about healthy eating including breastfeeding, and the program also gives referrals to healthcareRead MoreThe Women Infant and Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Program1274 Words   |  5 PagesThe Women Infant and Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Program is a supplemental food and nutrition program for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women and children under age five who have a nutriThe Women, Infant and Children Supplemental Nutritional Program’s primary goals are to provide supplemental food and nutrition to women of a lower income who are pregnant , breastfeeding, and postpartum and children under age 5. In the 1960’s issues of women and their children of lowerRead MoreThe Snap ( Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program ) And Wic ( Women, Infants, Children ) Programs864 Words   |  4 Pages The SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) and WIC (Women, Infants, Children) programs both have similar jobs. Both programs attempt to help feed struggling families. In the past SNAP allowed members to purchase food staples and prepackaged food, but a recent bill is being made in order to address these rules. These changes will deactivate members’ abilities to purchase prepackaged food, and has limited them to purchase only food staples. These food staples included foods such as riceRead MoreWic Program Essay1025 Words   |  5 PagesA Summary of the Woman, Infants, Children Nutritional Services Program Margaret Russell Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Nutritional Services is a federal program that provides health care and proper nutrition to low income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women during a crucial time for both mothers and babies. The mission of WIC is to â€Å"safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutrition risk by providing nutritious foods to supplementRead MoreThe Supplemental Nutrition Program For Women890 Words   |  4 Pages The Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) was started in 1972, and was permanently established in 1974 by the USDA (WIC Fact Sheet, 2015; Brown, 2011). WIC was established to safeguard the health of women, infants, and children up to age five who are low income and at nutritional risk; their mission is carried out by means of supplementing diets by providing access to nutritious foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding education, breastfeeding promotion, breastfeedin gRead MoreThe Impact Of Usda Revisions On Food Packages On Nutritional Behavior And Obesity Among Children870 Words   |  4 PagesProgram for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) concerning food packages on nutritional behavior and obesity among children who are 0- to 4-years old mostly residing at the New York State (NYS) WIC program. In January 2009, the NYS was the first to implement such revisions thereby adding fruits, whole grains, and vegetables to the diet. Whole milk was replaced with low or 1% fat in nonfat milk given to children from ages 2- to 4-years old. Children were enrolled in the NYS WIC program from July 1Read MoreMaternal And Child Health : Health Delivery Systems1645 Words   |  7 Pagesthe determinants, mechanisms and systems that promote and maintain health, safety, well-being and appropriate development of children and their families in communities and societies, in order to enhance the future health and welfare of society and subsequent generations. Matern al and Child Health is unified and disturbed by numerous issues. Pregnant women, mothers, and children experience illness-causing mortality, from health related issues that could have be treated or prevented. Africa is on ofRead MoreEssay on Breastfeeding and The WIC Program1182 Words   |  5 PagesSupplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children also known as WIC supplies almost fifty percent of the infant formula used in the US at no charge to the families. This has raised a red flag for concern because it is well-known that feeding with infant formula results in poorer health outcomes for infants than breastfeeding. Why should WIC offer any formula at all to its clients when breast milk is free, and it is known to be more beneficial for infants than formula? The evidence thatRead MoreBeing A Single Mother With A New Baby1659 Words   |  7 Pagesborn prematurely and has been diagnosed with GERD. GERD stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease. In Ricci it is â€Å"the passage of gastric contents into the esophagus†¦ [and] is considered a normal physiologic process that occurs in healthy infants and children. However, when complications develop from the reflux of gastric contents back into the esophagus†¦, it becomes more of a pathologic process†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Ricci, pg. 1527, 2012). Signs and symptoms include recurrent vomiting, weight loss or poor weightRead MoreAmerica Needs Welfare Reform Essay1742 Words   |  7 Pagesit such as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), Medicaid and WIC (Women, Infant, Children). Those are the four most common and most abused programs that are offered in the state of Illinois. There was once a myth of a woman called â€Å"The Welfare Queen†. She was a woman, generally African American, with several children to collect benefits from, she would sit on the couch or drive around in a fancy car and it was all paid for through the government

Friday, May 8, 2020

Odyssey Archetype Essay - 1026 Words

The topic of this essay is about The Odyssey. As Odysseus continues his journey home he has no idea what s heading his way. He loses, gains, and learns new skills and things that have changed him tremendously. He was not the same man he was twenty years ago. He shows archetypes of a hero to his disappearing crew. Then he shows it to his family member. How much can change in twenty years? Apparently a lot can transform a man who has had crazy experiences. This story was about three-thousand years ago. The people were called the Greeks. The Greeks valued their gods very much. They had many values to honor such as hospitality or sacrifices. They were very kind people. Although they like war, they like peace better. The Odyssey is an Epic†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"In essence†¦ forces†(pg4, A Hero’s Adventure). To be a hero you have to overcome all your fears. He/she will go above and beyond to help someone other than themselves. Odysseus stepped over and went above and beyond to make sure his soldiers are safe and treated well. â€Å"Not for the whole treasures of your fathers† (611, Homer). Killing the suitors to get his wife and son back shows both heroism and father like qualities. He gives the suitors a speech before he kills them. He needed to get that revenge to fill his void of missing his son and wife and the way he was disrespected. He needed to show them that he was offended by them, but not intimidated. The last and final archetype is â€Å"The Temptress†. A example of this is when Odysseus has to cross paths with the Sirens. â€Å" The lovely voices in ardor appealing over the water made me crave to listen, and I tried to say ‘untie me!’ to the crew, jerking my brows, but they bent steady to the oars†. In addition to the example I just showed proves the archetype because it says â€Å" Circe, a seductress who turns sailors into pigs†. It also states â€Å"Another shape-shifting element is the demi-god Proteus†. When you put this into a situation of a family that is not doing so well you can see that often a man could drift off and get drawn to a temptress.The Temptress - A beautiful woman who seduces the hero or the man in power. Importantly this is an unfortunateShow MoreRelatedOdyssey Archetype Essay996 Words   |  4 Pages Odyssey Archetype Essay The Odyssey, a ten long epic journey consisting of love, war, and despair; the odyssey dives into human tragedy that no man would ever want to experience. This is a reason why the odyssey is so significant to today s literature. The Odyssey occurred ancient Greece times. The odysseys genre is an adventure but has aspects of all other genres. In this essay I will be explaining the archetypes in the odyssey that are most relevant in the Odyssey. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

WWII Research Paper Free Essays

WWII Research Paper: Oskar Shindler During a very dark time in history, during World War II, Oskar Schindler saved the lives of thousands of Jews by employing them in his factories, he had little to gain and everything to lose by saving these Jews but he was a courageous individual who did the right thing when others wouldn’t. Oskar Schindler was and opportunist and a businessman. He was one of many who sought to make a profit from the German invasion of Poland. We will write a custom essay sample on WWII Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now He gained ownership of an enamelware factory and he employed around 1,000 Jews, At first he was only otivated by money, Jewish labor was extremely cheap, but it later turned into him helping and shielding his workers without regards of the cost. Oskar would claim to SS officers that unskilled workers were essential to his factory even though they were not.Under his employment his workers were treated with somewhat respect and were never beaten, let alone killed. The special status of his factory also became a big factor in his efforts to help save his workers from the work and death camps. When his workers were hreatened with deportation to these camps, he would simply claim exemptions for them, stating that even women, children and handicapped persons were necessary for his workforce. Schindler’s Jewish workers weren’t just things to him, they were human beings and he used all his skills to help protect them. He called them his Schindlerjuden, (Schindler’s Jews) and he often got them out of very difficult situations. After he witnessed the 1942 raid on the Krakow Ghetto, where he was appalled to see many of hisJewish workers being murdered, he began to work increasingly hard to help protect his workers. One-account states that two Gestapo men came to Schindler demanding he give up a family who he had forged identify papers for. After three hours, some drinking and his charm the two Gestapo men left without the family or the incriminating documents. Schindler is also said to have smuggle Jewish children out of the ghettos by giving them to polish nuns who would hide them. Schindler talked the commander of the Plaszow amp, Amon Goth, into making his factory a sub camp of Plazow and having a few hundred Jews work there. In this way the workers would be relatively safer from the German guards. Schindler’s mastery of persuasion and charm saved many Jews lives.In the beginning it was only about making money and becoming rich for Schindler, but it became something much more to him and in the end he died a penny- less hero. Oskcar would constantly buy supplies and extra food off the black market for his workers. He was caught numerous times, but each time he paid off SS officials and as never punished. Towards the end of the war, with Russia drawing nearer, he bribed and convinced SS officials to let him move his work force of over a thousand Jews to another factory. Thus he saved their lives from certain death in the extermination camps which were working on the double to eliminate Jews before Russia was upon them. In the new factory Schindler was supposed to be producing weapons and ammunition for the war effort. In the eight months of operation there the barley produced anything.Schindler made now money and his once fortune grew smaller and smaller as he bought supplies for his workers and bribed officials. In the end though it wasn’t about money for Oskar Schindler, it was about helping out his fellow human beings thorough one of the most horrific time periods in history. To him it was about preserving human life and doing the right thing.Bibliography 1)†Oskar Schindler. † United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 2004. 10 May 2009 . 2)†Oskar Schindler, rescuer of Jews during the Holocaust. † . 10 May 2009 . 3)†Oskar Schindler. † . 2005. 10 May 2009 . How to cite WWII Research Paper, Essays